Provide Hope, Rebuild Trust, And Begin The Healing Process

Specifically Designed to Offer Support for Teens Struggling With Problematic Sexual Behaviors

- Decades Of Experience

Oxbow Academy is the Nation's Leading Treatment Program for Teens With Compulsive Sexual Behavior

Oxbow Academy specializes in sex specific treatment for boys between the ages of 10-17. The school is one of only a handful of programs specifically designed to offer treatment for sexual behavioral problems, sexual abuse, pornography abuse, sexual reactivity, and other compulsive behavior issues.

Treatment provides hope and helps families who have sons struggling with sexual issues. Families who come to Oxbow Academy realize that they are not alone in this difficult journey.

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Top Program to Help Teen Boys (10-17) Struggling With Problematic Sexual Behaviors Located In Utah.

Accreditation and Memberships

- You Are Not Alone

Find Compassionate Care and Treatment

As a nationally recognized teen sexual-specific treatment center, Oxbow Academy focuses entirely on helping teens recover from problematic sexual behavior (PSB) issues.

The therapists at Oxbow Academy are highly trained in addressing problematic sexual behaviors in teens. All our therapists are Certified Sex Addiction Therapists (CSAT) or are in the process of getting certified. This provides the therapist with a special skill set to ask difficult questions with confidence.

Training and specialization also allow Oxbow Academy therapists to create a safe therapeutic relationship. This relationship makes it possible for students to feel comfortable discussing sexual issues so students can move out of shame and start the process of healing.

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- Treatment That Works -

We're Here To Help. Recovery Is Possible.

Your teen can recover from sexual behavioral problems. Contact one of our trained representatives for a free, private consultation

- Treatment That Works -

Oxbow Academy Provides Families With Hope, Assists Them in Rebuilding Trust, and Guides Them Through the Healing Process

Provides Families With Hope

Provides Families With Hope

Young men have come to the program from across the country and the world. At Oxbow Academy, parents who are overwhelmed and struggling to help their teens can find support, understanding, and hope.

Assists Them in Rebuilding Trust

Rebuilding Trust

The treatment process at Oxbow Academy often brings to light more issues than parents were previously aware of. This process can be a painful adjustment for many families.

However, once families are fully aware of the issues, then the healing process can begin.

Guides Them Through the Healing Process

The Healing Process

Most importantly, parents learn that they are not alone. They can make connections with other parents—good parents—whose sons are struggling with similar issues.

Oxbow Academy can help parents and teens develop healthier relationships all around. Families have the opportunity to become whole families again.

- Testimonial -

What Our Clients Say!

We are seeing a completely new boy emerge at Oxbow Academy and it is amazing. We can tell that he is transforming from the inside out. So many of us never knew if this day would arrive and to see it begin after only a few months is exciting. We are very grateful for Oxbow Academy's compassionate and outstanding staff. They deserve an award for the way they care for and reach out to these boys. Oxbow is the helping hand that our son so desperately needed and that no one else offered. They teach their students self-respect, self-esteem, and empathy and they model it so well for them. In addition, they are open and transparent and do a great job facilitating regular contact between the students and their families. We highly recommend this school.

Parent Testimonial

This was an EXCELLENT place for me it was exactly what I needed for a while. The staff are very kind and loving to the students there.It’s a great opportunity to get the help you need # Oxbow Academy is AWESOME!

Student Testimonial

- Beginning the Healing Process

Is Compulsive Sexual Behavior Treatment Right for Your Son?

The first step in the treatment process is a Evaluation and Treatment Plan. The evaluation will help to determine whether or not your son needs sex-specific treatment.

Having a better understanding of your son's issues will make it possible to give your son the help he needs. As part of the evaluation, students will take a clinical polygraph evaluation. The clinical polygraph evaluation is often the best way of determining the issues that your son is struggling to overcome. For many families, it is also the first step in rebuilding their trust.

During the evaluation process, your son will live separately from the main population. Your son will receive a thorough psychosexual evaluation and sexual risk assessment. After the evaluation is complete, you and your son's treatment team will have a much clearer understanding of your son's issues. You will have an individualized roadmap to his treatment and recovery.

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- Thinking Outside The Office

Beyond the Office: Experiential Therapy at Oxbow Academy

Oxbow Academy encourages the therapist to “think outside” the office. Therapists at Oxbow Academy create various therapeutic experiences, to help students further apply what they are learning, and gain greater insight into their healing.

Experiential therapy is tied to memorable experiences and strong relationships. Experiential Therapy has a deeper, longer-lasting impact on youth when compared to traditional talk therapy. It also allows students to process and work through traumatic events in their lives in ways talk therapy cannot touch on.

Trauma is unique based on each person’s experiences and resiliency. Therapists at Oxbow Academy understand that each student needs an individual treatment approach to their unique traumas. That is why therapists have access to and are encouraged to use various therapy modalities such as Equine Therapy, Expressive Arts, EMDR, High Adventure, Sandtray (as a form of Play Therapy), and more, to help address each teen’s unique trauma.

Beyond the Office Experiential Therapy at Oxbow Academy

Your Family Can Be Whole Again

Your teen can recover from sexual behavioral problems. Contact one of our trained representatives for a free, private consultation at 855-676-4272.

- Our Research

Oxbow Academy bases our practices on research. That is the key to success.

At Oxbow Academy, therapists, teachers, and highly trained staff members will provide your son with the best quality of service. The high quality of treatment is made possible by research.

Research allows the program to grow and develop continuously. The National Association of Therapeutic Schools and Programs (NATSAP) helps Oxbow Academy maintain the highest possible research standards.

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