Porn Addiction Treatment for Teens: When Professional Help Becomes Essential

Porn Addiction Treatment for Teens: When Professional Help Becomes Essential Tiffany Herlin and guest Meredith Barney discuss the importance of seeking residential treatment for individuals struggling with problematic pornography usage. Oxbow Academy offers an evaluation period, clinical polygraph, and a family system approach to address problematic pornography usage. The program focuses on keeping students safe,…

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Why is Pornography so Addictive? Recognizing Early Childhood and Teen Porn Addiction

Why is Pornography so Addictive? Recognizing Early Childhood and Teen Porn Addiction The topic of pornography addiction among children and teenagers. The discussion covers the evolution of pornography, the prevalence of explicit content, and the potential impact of porn on children and teenagers. It emphasizes the importance of open conversations with children about sensitive topics…

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The Importance of Therapy and Treatment in Dealing with Autism and Hypersexuality in Teenagers

The Importance of Therapy and Treatment in Dealing with Autism and Hypersexuality in Teenagers As if dealing with autism wasn’t difficult enough, hypersexuality can create additional challenges for teenagers and their families. Inappropriate behavior, unwanted advances, and poor social skills can make it difficult for these teenagers to navigate everyday situations. That’s where Oxbow Academy’s…

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Effectively Monitoring Technology Use of Autistic Teens Struggling With Sexually Inappropriate Behavior

Effectively Monitoring Technology Use of Autistic Teens Struggling With Sexually Inappropriate Behavior Explore strategies for parents to oversee technology use among autistic teenagers, highlighting the difficulties with filtering software and the importance of establishing clear boundaries. Autistic teens often seek connection through technology but are at risk of encountering inappropriate content and online bullying. Parents…

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Practical Strategies for Managing Sexually Inappropriate Behavior in Teens With Autism

Practical Strategies for Managing Sexually Inappropriate Behavior in Teens With Autism Effective approaches for managing hypersexual behaviors in autistic teenagers underscore the necessity of educating parents and caregivers. These strategies stress the importance of professional intervention, the formulation of safety plans, and the instruction of appropriate social skills and sex education. This podcast also delves…

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Autism and Sexually Inappropriate Behavior: The Challenges of Parenting a Son Struggling with Autism and Hypersexuality

Autism and Sexually Inappropriate Behavior: The Challenges of Parenting a Son Struggling with Autism and Hypersexuality Does your autistic son struggle with sexually inappropriate behavior? In this podcast episode, Tiffany Herlin, LCSW, talks with Matthew Call, LMFT as they explore the challenges parents face when their son struggles with autism and hypersexuality. They offer guidance…

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