T-SAST Assessment Score

Your SAST Score Is:

Find out what the score means

An SAST score is designed to assist in the assessment of sexually compulsive or addictive behavior. Developed in cooperation with hospitals, treatment programs, private therapists and community groups, the SAST provides a profile of responses which help to discriminate between addictive and nonaddictive behavior. The higher the score, the higher the risk of sexually compulsive or addictive behavior.

If your SAST score is over a 6 you really should be talking to a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist. Oxbow Academy specializes in Sex-specific treatment for boys

Talk to a specialist!

Want to talk to a specialist to learn more about your score? Call 855-676-4272 or fill out the form to have one of our specialist contact you. Your score will be added to the form when you submit it. So that our specialist can be informed when they talk to you.

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