Porn Addiction Treatment for Teens: When Professional Help Becomes Essential

Porn Addiction Treatment for Teens: When Professional Help Becomes Essential Tiffany Herlin and guest Meredith Barney discuss the importance of seeking residential treatment for individuals struggling with problematic pornography usage. Oxbow Academy offers an evaluation period, clinical polygraph, and a family system approach to address problematic pornography usage. The program focuses on keeping students safe,…

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Why is Pornography so Addictive? Recognizing Early Childhood and Teen Porn Addiction

Why is Pornography so Addictive? Recognizing Early Childhood and Teen Porn Addiction The topic of pornography addiction among children and teenagers. The discussion covers the evolution of pornography, the prevalence of explicit content, and the potential impact of porn on children and teenagers. It emphasizes the importance of open conversations with children about sensitive topics…

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3 Tips for Talking to Your Teen about Porn

The best time to talk to your teen about sex is before you think there is a problem. While you might not relish the thought of talking with your teen about sex, you can be sure that your teen is getting his information about sex from somewhere. Teens are curious about sex. They have questions.…

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