
Whiskey is a unique horse and has a special place in the program at Oxbow Academy is one of the horses trained by the boys in the program! This is a result of many hours of patient work and time spent with each boy and our horse professionals leading him to where he is today! Whiskey is one of our lungeing horses and is used during equine sessions where we work on a variety of skills including communication and confidence. It is an interesting experience being at the end of the lungeing rope with an animal that weighs well over 1000 lbs. on the other end. There is a feeling of confidence that can come from guiding the horse and creating a working relationship through proper communication and skill. Often boys will enter our program with fears and reluctance to work with the horses but through the help of their therapist and specialized training from our horse professionals they can complete the program with confidence and skills in the areas they needed help the most.