Parent Seminars

Well it is that time of the year again. Time for Oxbow parents to join together for two days with the staff and admin team at Oxbow Academy.

We only do this two to three times a year and there is a reason!  It isn’t the preparation.  It isn’t that the kids get all amped up to see their folks. It isn’t becuase we or our parents don’t want to do it more often, but I’ll tell you there is nothing like it, and it takes a good four to six months to gear up for another one.

There is something about the parents who have sent their kids to Oxbow. In part it is becuase dealing with these particular issues are singular to any other problem out there. This is the one thing  most parents would rather do without.  We have even had parents say they wish their son had a drug problem instead of this.  It is a hard pill to swallow.  It is difficult for parents to even make that phone call, to say that there is a problem.  But when they have come to grips with it; when they have admitted their son into our program, usually a fierce resolve is formed in them that would take an ocean to drown.

The parents of our boys are nothing short of amazing.  The courage and comitment it takes to see these kids through this fire is a rare and beautiful thing.  And starting tomorrow I get to spend the rest of the week with the majority of them.  It brings tears to my eyes to think about all of the love that is about to fill one room this week, despite the frustration, the fear, the anger and the hopelesness that they have felt; Love is what flows out of them. Love for their sons firstly,  and then love for all the other families that are in the same boat as they are.

There is tremendous support among these families, it is no wonder that such a high percentage of kids are successful when they leave Oxbow, it is in large part because of these amazing parents that have supported them and loved them the whole way.

Thank you all for being part of the process,  Thank you for having the courage to share your lives with us. Each one of you and your sons has touched our lives and I am grateful for that every day.
